Watch Out For Email Scammers Exploiting Coronavirus


The recent outbreak of coronavirus has triggered a number of postponements, cancellations, and alarms over the last several weeks. 

The illness, also known as COVID-19, has resulted in shortages in hardware, security, and technical skills, as well as supply chain failures. 

Plus, we’re learning that cybercriminals are now posing as leading health organizations to exploit the illness in attempts to compromise people and businesses.


How Scammers Are Taking Advantage Of Fake Coronavirus Email Alerts

Criminals Pose As WHO and Send Suspicious Emails Related To Coronavirus 

In one email alert, the World Health Organization reports that criminals have disguised themselves as WHO so that they can steal money and sensitive information. 

These phishing attempts may ask you to provide usernames or passwords, click a malicious link, or open a malicious attachment. 


DOWNLOAD NOW: 4 Most Common Phishing Scams (And What You Can Do About Them)


However, the verified WHO site provides a list of requests it will never ask you to do. Among them: asking you to log in to view safety information, visit a link at a different domain, or donate to emergency response plans. 


Supposed CDC Emails Purport Viewing Where The Coronavirus Is Near Them

Another scam, discovered by AppRiver, involves criminals who pose as the CDC. 

“The email, which is made to appear from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,” asks recipients to view the link to see cases of coronavirus near their city. “However, the links in the message lead to a phony OWA login page designed to harvest email credentials.”


What Can You Do To Prevent Phishing In Light Of The Coronavirus Outbreak? 

First, make sure you have a business continuity plan that is linked to your disaster recovery plan

Second, follow best practices to combat phishing. These include:

  1. Taking your time to assess the email. Do you know the sender? Does the email contain a verified domain? Even with the rapid spread of coronavirus, avoid making rash decisions. 
  2. Are you actually required to provide personal information? The WHO says it never would ask for that, among other things.
  3. Typing in a URL directly. Never click links or attachments from unsolicited emails. 

If you feel as though your business may have been compromised due to a fraudulent email related to coronavirus, please give us a call at 888-764-8181 or schedule a complimentary consultation today. 

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