Why You Need Cyber Security Awareness Training This Year


If you've been putting off Cyber Security Awareness Training for your business, this is the year to get to it. The headlines featuring phrases like 'data breach,' 'cyber attack,' 'stolen data,' will continue and you need to do everything you can to make sure that your business isn't the story's subject. Everybody believes it won't happen to their business, until it does. With cyber crime on the rise, your business is at risk. This is the year to be certain that your employees have all the latest available data security knowledge and are prepared to help defend company data against all threats. 


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Cyber Crime Will Continue 

Cyber crime has been steadily on the rise. It's not a coincidence. As technology advances and grows, so does the criminal element looking to exploit it. Criminals adapt and change with the times. Business now relies heavily on technology for storage, day-to-day operation, and more. Cyber criminals know that any disruption is a cause for alarm and preys upon businesses with increasingly deceptive scams. Cyber criminals often pose as trusted authorities, asking for private data or credentials directly. Manipulating the good nature of people, cyber criminals run off with data that doesn't belong to them. 

Your Business is Vulnerable 

Small to midsize businesses face the same risks that big corporations do. Just because revenue is smaller, it doesn't mean that cyber criminals won't see weak defenses as an opportunity. Cyber Security Awareness Training helps your employees identify scams and take appropriate action when under duress. Your goal should be to make it as difficult as possible to steal your data. That starts with your people remaining skeptical of odd requests and turning away would-be criminals from easy payoffs. Informed employees make your business harder to steal from and it makes your company a less desirable target. 

Your People Matter

When it comes to cyber security, your people are the most important player. They can be a primary source of risk and leaks. They can also help thwart phishing scams, make sure their devices are password protected, and alert you to any security weaknesses. Training your employees on Cyber Security Awareness is considerate of them and it's a must-do for you. Many data breaches are the result of human error. With sufficient Cyber Security Awareness Training, your people can minimize mistakes and help catch attempts at data theft. Make sure that your employees are more security asset than risk. 


Make this year the year that you embrace Cyber Security Awareness Training for your employees. It will help keep your business safe and prepare your team for the challenges ahead. 



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