Kirt McReynolds

Kirt McReynolds is Technology Advisor for Integrity Technology Solutions.

Are You Ready to Put Your Passwords to the Test?

Using a password manager is a must in today’s world where we have so many passwords, credit cards and online accounts at risk of getting hacked.  It’s also becoming no longer acceptable to only use a password manager.  A password manager should help us be proactive about our passwords and let us know if we have an account at a company (website) that has been breached.  What if the password that you used at this compromised site was also used at other sites?  How do you know or remember that?

Getting the Full Potential from Your Smartphone

As the number of mobile phone users in the world is expected to pass the five billion mark by 2019,...

Office 365 Planner

Office 365 Planner Office 365 Planner is another new experience Microsoft has added to its growing...

How to Create Office 365 Groups

Most of the tasks that all of us face involve interactions with others to complete them. Whether we...

What the Delve?

When Microsoft launched Office 365 they had a vision of helping people get more done, have greater...

Sharing Information through OneDrive and Dropbox

OneDrive and Dropbox are file hosting services, commonly referred to as cloud storage solutions,...