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Are You Ready for the iOS 8 Upgrade?

So you just noticed that your iPhone is prompting you to update to the latest software version, iOS...

Automate your phone: Discover the world of IFTTT

Do you ever stop to think how often you use your phone in a day? If you are like me, it’s more...

Upcoming Office 365 Plan Changes

In June, Microsoft announced new Office 365 plans for small and midsize businesses. The plans are...

How to Remember All Your Passwords

Remember a time when we had two or three passwords to remember? Life was simple. How many passwords...

Don't Install Security Updates Yet!

It may seem contrary to everything you have read about keeping your computer secure and up to...

Your Password was Stolen

Did you know that your password was stolen? Chances are, you are among the millions of people that...

Uninstall Java Now!

Java is the #1 security threat on most PC’s today. Java is the top software used by online...